Pameran KUSTOMFEST 2017 7 - 8 Oktober di JEC

Pameran Kustomfest 2017 tangal 7 - 8 Oktober di JEC Kota Jogjakarta.

Secara garis besar mengarah pada optimalisasi ide kreatifitas yang didasarkan pada peningkatan daya guna dan nilai artistik tanpa mengorbankan fungsi utama dari sepeda motor itu sendiri, yaitu kustom rideable (layak dikendarai). Dan juga tetap harus menjunjung tinggi nilai artistik karya kustom yang terkonsep dan baik, karena karya kustom merupakan sebuah karya seni yang akan dinikmati oleh siapapun, baik pengunjung acara maupun pelaku kustom itu sendiri.

Gambaran secara umum adalah:
Semua kendaraan yang mengalami proses “kustom” harus dapat digunakan (baca:dikendarai), Jenis materi yang digunakan untuk proses kustom adalah kendaraan sepeda motor, termasuk didalamnya jenis motor trike dan sidecar.
Unsur kreatif, state-of-the-art dan fungsi. Penempatan, pemakaian dan penambahan aksesoris ataupun bahan-bahan lain merupakan faktor lain yang juga akan dinilai. Ide-ide yang berani, unik, orisinalitas ide merupakan nilai tambah. Untuk itu, kreatifitas dipadu dengan pemahaman akan konsep karya kustom yang diciptakan.

Jln. Melati WetanNo.4 – Baciro, Yogyakarta – 55225
E-mail :
Phone : (0274) 542666 Fax : (0274) 556050

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Twitter : @kustomfest
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Logo And Branding Of Jogja Istimewa

After a long process involving many parties, Yogyakarta finally has its new logo and citizen branding 'Jogja Istimewa' (Special Jogja), replacing the old logo and branding of "Jogja Never Ending Asia".
logo kota jogja terbaru memang istimewa

"Jogja Istimewa" is from the people's participation and is considered suitable to represent the new spirit of Yogyakarta," Yogyakarta Governor Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X said during the soft launching ceremony for the logo in Kepatihan on Thursday.

Hamengkubuwono also expressed hope that the new logo and tagline could become the soul of the people of Yogyakarta in the future.

Earlier, the logo was intended to be "Jogja, Living With Harmony".

This was, however, protested by many communities, including on social media. 

The design, according to the protesters, was unclear and the word Jogja was read as Togua. 

The tagline "Living With Harmony", similarly, was considered as not representing the condition of the people of Yogyakarta.

The "Togua" logo and its tagline were designed by the president of the World Marketing Association (WMA), Hermawan Kertajaya, and his team from Markplus Inc., the same team that designed the previous logo. 

The province's special funds covered the design cost and launch of the logo, which reportedly amounted to Rp 1.5 billion (US$124,120). Special funds are provided by the central government to provinces with special status. 

Hermawan once claimed that the contentious debate about the logo could be construed as positive based on marketing theory, as successful branding indeed incited questions, reported.

In response to the criticism, an 11-member team chaired by former Yogyakarta Mayor Herry Zudianto was set up to find a new logo and tagline considered more appropriate for Yogyakarta's people.

In just three months, the team received over 2,000 suggestions and "Jogja Istimewa" was finally chosen.

A member of the team, Muhammad Marzuki from the hip-hop group Kill The DJ, said the word istimewa, which literally means special, was chosen because it was considered different and unique.

"Istimewa has no equivalent in English. The word could also mean special for all the people," 
Marzuki said.

He expressed hope that "Jogja Istimewa" could become a legacy for future generations.

"The new logo and tagline are scheduled for a grand launch in March 2015 at an event called 'Jogja Gumregah' movement," said Marzuki, adding that Jogja Gumregah was a cultural movement that came from the people.


"Jogja Istimewa" is from the people's participation and is considered suitable to represent the new spirit of Yogyakarta."

Pameran Otomotif Dan Jajanan Kekinian

Pameran September 2015 Jogja Expo Center...
Dua pameran sekaligus!
Pameran Otomotif Jogja
23 - 27 September 2015
Pukul 10.00 - 21.00 WIB

Pameran Jajanan Kekinian
23 - 27 September 2015
Pukul 10.00 - 21.00 WIB

Jogja Expo Center


Kaca Patri Gudang Art Gallery

Anda mencari alamat pengrajin kaca patri..?? Keberadaan Lokasi Sentra Kerajinan kaca patri tepat berada di jalan Kaliurang km.12 Desa Candi Sari ke arah utara arah gunung merapi hingga saat ini pengrajin kaca patri tetap aktif dan ramai melayani order pesanan di berbagai kota di Indonesia.

Bahkan hasil kerajinan kaca patri desa Candi sari - Jogjakarta datang dari para pejabat tinggi negara serta di percaya menangani beberapa proyek besar di daerah Kalimantan, Jakarta dan Sumatera.